What is REAP?

Rural Energy for America Program

The REAP program, through the USDA, provides grant funding to eligible agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements.


Renewable Energy Systems

  • Solar

  • Geothermal

  • Wind

  • Drones

  • HVAC

  • Refrigeration

  • Machinery

25% - 50% of grant funding could be waiting for you


Energy Efficiency Improvements

(and that's in addition to the 30% tax credit incentives.)

white house on lawn field

How does it work?

ZEN is officially contracted by the USDA* and handles your REAP grant project from start to finish to ensure the highest-scoring grant application possible.

Fee Model

We offer a success-based fee model, meaning you only pay a one-time grant-writing fee if you win. It is no cost to you to explore grant opportunities.

*ZEN + PRWA is officially a Technical Assistance Contractor for the USDA REAP Program in WA & ID. Our services are not limited to those states, however, and are available nationwide.

We are proud to have written and been successfully awarded the first agricultural spray drone grant in WA state on behalf of one of our clients.

RES: $959*

EEI: $1400**

*WA & ID; other states vary;
**includes comprehensive CEM energy assessment